Tartu Student Village provides several services to its tenants in order to make your stay more comfortable and pleasant.
Internet connection
All the dormitories have WiFi (eduroam) which is free for the users. There is no cable connection. The service is provided by the Tartu University IT department. If you’re having problems, then contact the Tartu University IT department’s computer help by calling 737 5500 or writing arvutiabi@ut.ee.
Self-service laundry and dryers are located in every residence hall. The cost is already calculated into the rent invoice.
The user manuals for the machines are in the laundry room.
NB! In order to save water and energy, it is not allowed to wash single items like one T-shirt or one pair of jeans in the machine.
Bicycle storage room
All the residence halls have a bicycle storage room inside our outside the building. Tenants can park their bicycle in or around every residence hall for free.
Car parking
The residence halls have various size parking lots where the tenants can park their car for free (except for Raatuse 22) if they have registered their car and have a parking permit(virtual). The permit is issued for a specific car using the registration number, when changing the vehicle, the permit must also be changed. The permit is issued for a specific residence hall.
The parking permit can be issued via e-mail or at the client service center at Raatuse 22. To do so, we need the tenant’s name and the registration number of the car.
NB! The parking permit can be issued through e-mail only on work days Monday – Friday from 8-16. The permit can be issued 24/7 from the client service center at Raatuse 22.
NB! Parking at the residence hall’s parking lot is allowed only when the parking permit has been issued or confirmed by e-mail. Guests are not issued a parking permit.
The only paid parking is at the Raatuse 22 residence hall parking lot. Parking prices can be found in the price list.
The tenants at Paul Kerese 14, Väike 6 and C.R.Jakobsoni 41 at Viljandi do not have to apply for a parking permit.
Printing service
A public printing service is available at the Raatuse 22 and Pepleri 14 residence halls. The machine can also be used for copying and scanning.