Submitting a moving application
If you wish to move to another room or residence hall you need to submit a new application through the E-kyla system and wait for the accommodation offer. Use the comments section so specify your new room preferences if needed.
Accepting/declining the moving offer
After receiving the accommodation offer you should accept the offer in E-kyla. If you decline the offer, email about changes to the application.
To see the offered place before accepting, you need to schedule an appointment with a client manager by emailing us at Room viewings are scheduled on business days between 10:00-17:00 and at least 24 hours earlier.
You will receive a moving confirmation email with instructions, please make sure to read and follow the instructions.
Ending the current residential agreement
Do not terminate your current contract yourself. The client manager will initiate the termination of your current housing contract on a prior agreement about the termination date.
New residential agreement
The new residential agreement must be signed at the latest on the date of the moving date. Your deposit money will be moved to your new contract.
If necessary, the additional deposit must be paid approximately 1 week before concluding a new contract by bank transfer according to the issued invoice.
After signing the new residential agreement, you will get your new keys and proximity card from the Raatuse 22 reception. The keys to the new rental space will be issued at the earliest on the date of termination of the previous agreement.
We suggest moving to the new room from 10.00 in the morning until 22.00 in the evening as not to disturb the previous and the new neighbors.
Handing over your former room
The keys and proximity card of your former room must be returned at the end date of your former contract. The hall manager will check the cleaned room and communal areas after you have moved out and returned the keys and proximity card.