Terminating the residential agreement

The residential agreement is terminated at the request of the tenant or upon expiry of the term specified in the residential agreement.

Termination of the residential agreement can be initiated in the E-kyla system with at least 30 days’ notice. Rent is calculated until the end date of the residential agreement.

  • When terminating the residential agreement in the E-kyla system, correct bank information must be submitted by the end date of the residential agreement at the latest.
  • Before leaving the residential hall, the tenant must clean the room they occupied and remove all their personal belongings from both the room and the common areas. The common areas must also be cleaned.
  • Key and card must be returned to the client service center at Raatuse 22 by the end date of the residential agreement. The reception is open 24/7 so the keys can returned at any time.
  • The hall manager will check the room and flat after the tenant has moved out and returned the key and card.
  • In case the cleaning has been insufficient and does not meet the requirements (described in the general terms and conditions of the residential agreement), the Student Village will order a cleaning service and inform the tenant about it. The tenant is obligated to compensate the cleaning service in accordance with the valid price list.
  • The deposit will be transferred to the tenant’s bank account during twenty (20) business days after the end date of the residential agreement. The Student Village has the right to deduct default interest, rent and ancillary costs, the value of damaged or lost furniture or other property and, where appropriate, cleaning costs.